Colombia Buffoon Pink Bourbon Natural

Candy Floss, White Strawberry, Mango Lassi
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We're introducing another standout coffee from our long-term partner, the Anserma cooperative in Colombia. This crazy delicious El Embrujo Buffoon Pink Bourbon Natural is a new gem! It's got loads of sugary sweetness with a delicate juicy complexity — a combination of candy floss, white strawberry, and mango lassi. A truly exquisite cup and perhaps the best pink bourbon we've ever had at Skylark, with the funniest name.

Buffoon Pink Bourbon is produced by Ignacio Rodríguez, a 41-year-old farmer and member of Anserma, at his farm La Palmera, situated at 1700-1850 meters above sea level. The key to its stunning flavour lies in Ignacio's specialised anaerobic fermentation process — the cherries are placed in 25kg bags and submerged in water within a tank for 120-130 hours, allowing fermentation to take place under oxygen-free conditions. Once fermentation is complete, the coffee is moved to the drying phase, where it develops its distinct flavours and aromas. The coffee undergoes mechanical drying for 140-150 hours at temperatures below 38ºC, ensuring a controlled and consistent drying process that preserves the coffee's unique characteristics. 

La Palmera farm cultivates a variety of coffee plants, including Castillo, Pink Bourbon, Colombia, and Gesha, using both fully washed and natural processing methods. Ignacio's meticulous approach to processing and drying results in high-quality coffees that reflect his ideals. 

We sourced this coffee with our friends at Falcon Coffees who are increasingly our go-to for high-end and ethical coffee sourcing. They've been knocking it out of the park with their work in Colombia recently, and it really shows.

Anserma is located in the western area of the department of Caldas and started operating in 1967. Each member has extensive knowledge and experience in coffee as well as the support of the national Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia and the Departmental Committee of Coffee Growers of Caldas. It operates in the municipalities of Anserma, Risaralda, San José, Belalcázar and Viterbo. The cooperative's main purpose is the commercialisation of coffee and other agricultural products, seeking to promote and improve the economic, social, technical, and cultural conditions of its members. There are 2,083 member coffee growers who cultivate excellent coffee with dedication and passion. Amongst the coffee, they also grow crops like sugarcane and bananas to sell for income and contribute to biodiversity. Under the leadership of new General Manager Luis Miguel, the cooperative has looked to embrace technology and shift towards more specialty coffee production, working on projects such as building temperature-controlled areas in the warehouse where they can store microlots.

Elevation: 1700-1850 Meters Above Sea Level
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Cup score: 92
Price paid per kg: £20.35
Process: Anaerobic Natural