We're so excited to share this new coffee from our friends at Bette Buna! It's a juicy, dense, naturally-processed Ethiopian coffee with notes of peach cobbler, cardamom and grape.
This is the third coffee we've bought from Bette Buna, and a really interesting one. This coffee was produced by Kasim Kedir, who is young smallholder farmer whose farm is located in the Wucheru Woreda in Nensebo in the West Arsi Zone. In the past, Kasim sold his coffee as cherry to mills, where it was processed and then blended into larger regional lots. Bette Buna supported him by lending him drying beds and training him in processing cherries himself, and then purchased the lots he'd processed and found buyers for his coffees. The premiums for cherries are much lower than for fully processed coffee, so this is a great way to give more income to the farmer. That said, when selling cherry it is easier to find a buyer locally, and while the price is lower, selling unprocessed cherry can be safer, as the sale is close to guaranteed. So Bette Buna is helping from start to finish by not only sharing their resources and experience, but also assisting with market placement and access to export. It's exciting for us through Bette Buna to be able to buy from a smallholder farmer in Ethiopia with a complete and secure supply chain, knowing that every step of that coffee's journey was fair and equitable.
We're still in year one of our relationship with Bette Buna, but this is our third coffee from them, with each coming from a different region so far. The first two from Guji and Sidamo were both really high scoring and expensive microlots. This coffee is a great example of a naturally-processed coffee from the Nensebo, but it's at a lower price point and one that we can use in blends like Murmuration, as well as offer as a more affordable single origin. We bought 600kg of green (20 x 30kg) bags of it from a total lot size of 7050kg (235 x 30kg), so less than a tenth of Kasim's production-- in fact, even less than that, because some of his production was of a lower grade that sold separately. Still, this kind of buying can grow in years to come, and we hope to keep working with Kasim Kedir and other special partnerships through Bette Buna.
Kasim Kedir is part of a tight-knit community of growers in the Woreda of Wuchero. He owns and cultivates 40 hectares of high-altitude farmland along with his uncle. Having gained training in how to use techniques like pruning, replacing plants with more productive varietals, and companion planting, Kasim and his community have been able to increase their yields of cherry. They have also learned techniques in intermittent drying on raised beds and processing cherry, and these skills have been passed further along into their community, which fulfills one of Bette Buna's primary purpose goals of spreading professionalism in the rural coffee community. This upskilling makes living income more attainable for these communities. It is truly humbling and a privilege to be able to support projects like this with our buying.
Elevation: 1860-1920 meters above sea level
Varietal: Enat Buna Wucheru
Cup Score: 86
Price paid per kilo: £8.50 per kg