It’s always been a huge focus for us to have impact with our buying, especially when it comes to our high-volume ‘blender slot’ coffees. This Rwandan washed is a prime example of how we can directly support a brilliant (entirely female!) farmer-owned organization that in turn supports its community, creating the most positive impact we can with one of our largest coffee purchases of the year. This Rwandan will go in several of our blends, but it's also delicious on its own, with notes of chocolate, macadamia nuts and orange.
The Ituzi Women's Cooperative was formed in 2008 by 18 women diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Despite facing many challenges, they were determined to create a better future for themselves and their families. "Ituze" means "calmness" in Kinyarwanda, which is the effect the women wanted their cooperative to have. Their first goal was to provide support and friendship to each member, meeting regularly to offer advice and lend a listening ear. This sense of community was essential to their success.
Today, the Ituze Women's Cooperative is a thriving business. Besides growing coffee, they also farm pineapples and manufacture soap, both adding to their overall profit and allowing them to save enough money to pay for medical insurance, rehabilitate houses, buy educational materials, and purchase livestock.
The women of Ituze selectively handpick ripe, red cherry and deliver it to Ngamba washing station. There it is floated to remove underripes and inspected for defects by specially trained staff. Cherry is pulped and fermented for 10-12 hours in fermentation tanks, after which the parchment is washed and laid on raised beds to dry. Workers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying and removal of damaged beans. It takes about 21-30 days for parchment to dry.
We sourced this coffee through our friends at Sucafina, who operate several washing stations and partner with the Kahawatu Foundation to promote farmer welfare and profitability across Rwanda.
Elevation: 1600 MASL
Varietal: Red Bourbon
Cup Score: 84
Price paid per kilo: £6.47
Process: Fully washed